Scandinavian culture in Medieval Poland
Ilość (szt.):
tytuł:Scandinavian culture in Medieval Poland
wydawnictwo:Wydawnictwo Instytutu Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
rok wydania:2013
ilość stron:478
redakcja:Wiszewski Przemysław , Moździoch Sławomir, Stanisławski Błażej
rodzaj:wydawnictwo naukowe



Władysław Duczko, With Vikings or without? Scandinavian in early medieval Poland. Approaching an old problem

Piotr Boroń, Norsemen and the Polish territories in the early Middle Ages – theories, ideas and speculations

Jakub Morawiec, Slavs and their lands in Old Norse literature

Leszek P. Słupecki, Polish rivers and waters in Old Norse mythology

Przemysław Urbańczyk, The eastern neighbours of the Piasts in the 10th century

Mateusz Bogucki, Before the Vikings. Foreigners in the lower Vistula region during the Migration Period and the origins of Truso

Marek F. Jagodziński, Roots of Truso

Wojciech Chudziak, Remarks on particular material traces of Scandinavian culture in Pomerania

Felix Biermann, A Slavic or a Viking Town? The excavations at Wolin 1934/41 and their contemporary interpretation

Błażej Stanisławski, Norse culture in Wolin-Jomsborg

Anna Bogumiła Kowalska, Original or imitation? Comments on the presence of the Scandinavians at the estuary of the Oder River in the Early Middle Ages

Kinga Zamelska-Monczak, Traces of Viking culture in Santok?

Krzysztof Jaworski, Ewa Lisowska, Aleksandra Pankiewicz, Błażej Stanisławski, Artefacts of Scandinavian origin from the Cathedral Island (Ostrów Tumski) in Wrocław

Mariusz Błoński, Antler sickle handle from Nasielsk. An example of the Pomeranian school of Scandinavian-Insular ornament from Mazovia

Zdzisława Ratajczak, The cemetery in Ciepłe – current research results

Andrzej Buko, Michał Kara, Władysław Duczko, Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka, Bodzia: a unque Viking age cemetery with chamber-like graves from central Poland

Leszek Gardeła, Dead or alive? – “Chamber graves” and their inhabitants in the Old Norse literature and Viking-age chronology

Andrzej Janowski, Are the chamber graves from Pień really Scandinavian?

Jerzy Sikora, Ethnos or ethos? Some remarks on interpretation of early medieval elite burials in the northern Poland

George Indruszewski, Technological aspects of cultural identity: the case of early medieval shipbuilding and seafaring in the Baltic

Marcin Szydłowski, Possibility of identification of Scandinavian presence on the Polish territory in the light of petroarcheological research

Paweł Kucypera, Piotr Pudło, The “Viking Sword” – true or false? On the importance of a certain terminological problem”